Father’s Day is around the corner, so why not make this thoughtful Father’s Day hammer craft to say how much you love Daddy this Father’s Day.
Father’s Day Hammer Craft for Kids
If you are looking for an easy way to make Father’s Day fun and creative for the kids while still making something thoughtful for daddy, this will do just fine.
In this craft, you will stick Daddy’s picture on to the hammer head and on the handle with all the hearts, you will write your favourite things about him.
As easy Father’s Day crafts for kids go, this one is very straightforward.
All you need is a few craft supplies and the kids can start getting creative.
Dads are sure going to love this Father’s Day hammer craft firstly because you will need to put their face on the hammer.
Make sure you find a nice picture of daddy to use on your craft.
Secondly, the kids will have to think of all the reasons they love daddy.
You might need to help the younger kids to come up with answers and if younger, to help them write in the hearts.
The hammer crafts for kids is not just fun for the kids to make, it will require them to thoughtful in what to put in the individual hearts.
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Supplies needed to make this craft
- 2 different coloured card stock A4 paper
- Scissors
- Glue stick
- Heart shape cutter (optional)
- A cut out picture of daddy
- Free Printable template
How to make Father’s Day Hammer kids craft
Print out the hammer craft template.
The template is in pdf form. One page has the hammer and the other page is of the hearts.
Also print out the picture of daddy you want to use on the hammer. The image should be 5cm by 5cm in size.
Now cut out the hammer template and the heart template. Also cut out the picture.
Fold the hearts in half at the point where they meet.
Now is the time to write your message on the hearts and inside the hearts.
You can help the kids express all the lovely sentiments they have of dad.
It can be anything ranging from their favourite things about dad to Dad’s silly jokes.
Here are some Father’s Day sentiments or dad questions to help you comeuppance with what to put on the hearts.

Now glue the hearts on to the handle of the hammer. Make sure the hearts are evenly spaced.
On either side of the hammer kids craft, you can also add even more messages.
Use a heart shape cutter to cut out tiny paper hearts to decorate the hammer.
There are no rules on how the kids should to make this hammer craft for Father’s Day. It can decorated however they please.
If you don’t have heart shape cutter, you can use scissors to cut out tiny strips. You could also use mini Pom poms.
Happy crafting
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