Ladybird Headband Craft

Ladybirds are very cute colourful insects. They are one of the first insects you think of when you think of spring and summer.
This cute and colourful Ladybird Headband Craft is a delightful headband craft or project to make for that reason alone.
A ladybug headband craft is also an engaging way to introduce children to these fascinating insects and to the beauty of nature so it makes for a great animal craft for the kids.
Before spring and summer, Valentine’s Day has to roll by so it is also a great Valentine’s Day craft for kids.
The ladybird is comprised of two hearts on top of each other and each antennae has two hearts at the top.
This is a craft that can be made as a fun art activity in class or at home.
Download the free template and enjoy crafting with preschoolers, kindergarteners, and elementary school children.
How to make your Ladybird headband Craft
Ladybird Headband Template
The ladybird headband template has to versions.
There is a plain template you can print on coloured cardstock paper.
If you don’t have coloured cardstock paper, you can print the coloured template on plain white cardstock paper.
The plain template is free to download and use to make your ladybird headband template.
However, the coloured version is available to download for free
Materials needed
- Ladybird template
- A4 card stock paper (x2) – One red and one black
- Scissors
- Marker
- Glue stick
- Shape punch (heart and circle)
Download and print your ladybird headband craft template.
Whether it be the plain one which is free to download or the coloured version which is available in the members library.
Cut out the hearts, eyes, mouth, antennae and extenders.
Take the small heart and glue the smaller heart on top to it.
Glue firmly and right in the centre.
Glue the eyes on to the white heart.
Place the eyes under the curves at the top.
Using the marker, draw a smile or cut out the smile and glue it.
It is easier to just draw a smile on the ladybird’s face.
Take heart shape punch and cut out two hearts.
The hearts should be glued on the tip of the two antennae.
Now glue the other end of the antennae on to the face of the ladybug.
Insert and glue under the the white heart.
Now take the circle shape punch and punch out some paper circles.
Laybirds are not identifiable without their black dots.
Got the black dots on the edges of the ladybird’s face.
Let it overlap over the edge.
Now cut the overlap with scissors.
This is what the half circles look like on the ladybird’s face.
Glue the black dots on the extenders.
Also glue them on the edges so they overlap to have an authentic very ladybird effect.
Take one of the dotted extenders and glue the ladybird face on to it.
Glue it firmly in the centre.
Once fairly stuck, glue another extender on the right side.
Repeat on the left side.
Finally, join both side of the extender to make your headband.
Once firmy glued together, your Ladybird Headband craft is complete.
Ladybird headband template (coloured)
Ladybird headband template (plain)