Life cycle of a fish

This life cycle of fish spinner is a fun and interactive way to teach the stages of development of fish.

The fish life cycle spinner displays the developmental stages from eggs to adult fish.

Print this template to reinforce the children’s learning of how to fish grows.

The images and words on the spinner should make the fish life cycle easy to assimilate and recall.

Spinners are generally a great way to include a fun and interactive element to learning.

Here are some spinner you might like

Alphabet spinners

Times tables spinners

Life Cycle Of Fish

Eggs. All fish will start life as eggs laid by a female fish

Embryo. At this stage, it is unable to feed itself and feeds through the egg

Larvae. The fish absorbs the yolk and is now feeding by itself

Juvenile. The fish gets bigger but not fully grown

Adult Fish. The fish is fully grown

How to Make a Fish Life Cycle Spinner For kids

You will need the following

  • White cardstock paper (at least 180gsm)
  • Paper fasteners
  • Scissors
  • Wooden skewers or sharp pointy object
  • Templates

Print out the template. You can find the template in our member area.

Cut out the spinners from the template

Poke a hole in the middle of the circle

Now insert the paper fastener through both spinners and close it

Make sure the right spinner is at the top.

Get the Fish Life Cycle Spinner Template

Times Tables Games

The ability to multiply is key to laying the foundations of numeracy skills that is used from childhood into adulthood.
All children learn differently and some may not respond to the traditional way of memorising the times tables.
Times tables games, printable time tables worksheets and times tables charts are just some of the ways to make learning the multiplication easier for the individual child.
The following list of times tables games and activities have been designed to cater to children who are visual learners as well as kids who find learning easier when there is a fun element in the activity.

Times tables games

Times tables blast. Kids can have fun practicing the times tables and then test their ability by playing a game and gaining points. There are up to 20 difficulty levels and you can practise from 1 to 12 times tables.

Connect 5. This is based on the concept of connect 4. In order to play the game, children must win a number by coming up with the correct times table number pairing or calculation with that answer. To win, 5 numbers must be connected. This is a free printable game that comes with instructions

Topmarks. A series of colourful times tables games suitable for kids that have just been introduced to multiplication for the first time. Numerous games to help solidify their knowledge of how multiplication works  Think of video games but with multiplication as the theme. Kids have fun and practise their multiplication tables too.

Times Tables Rally. Fun racing game where you answer times table question to accelerate your car. The game has various levels and it is ideal for time table drilling.

Splashlearn. The times tables games here explain the multiplication concept from different perspectives. You can play games explaining times tables using the number line, pictures, multiplication as it relates to addition.

Maths chase. Fun and engaging game where you are chased by a monster and to run, you answer times tables question. Get the answer right, you advance. Get the answer wrong and you take a step back has a library of online games that helps practise the times tables as well as worksheet for different ages and grades.

Tommy’s Trek – Times Tables




Time tables Worksheets

Here is a list of printable times tables worksheet that kids can practise on to reinforce their knowledge. You can find worksheet for  1- 12 times tables and 11- 20 times tables for the older kids.

K5 Learning

Times tables crafts

Times table crafts make learning and mastering the times table fun and are especially great for drills.

Some of the times tables crafts can be made by the kids themselves so they get to express creativity while also learning their multiplication tables.

Times tables spinners

Multiplication tables spinning wheel

Printable bingo boards

Multiplication Table Wheel Foldable

Times tables bookmark

Multiplication Tables Spinners

These multiplication tables spinners will help your kids learn and master the times table in a fun way.

Multiplication tables are one of those rites of passage we all had to go through at school.

We had to learn them at school and also practice them at home.

I remember the times tables were boldy printed on the back of exercise books so there really couldn’t be any excuse for not practicing. I tell you they were not fun.

Times tables spinners however, are a great way of making learning and practicing the times table fun for kids. Making the multiplication table fun is a sure fire way to make kids master the times table.


Fun Ways to Teach Times Tables

Start with simplest to the hardest. Start with the easy numbers like the 1 times tables and 10 times tables. They are straightforward and will build the child’s confidence and reassure them they can take on the much difficult tables ahead .

Show them tricks or patterns that can aid the fast learning of the tables. For example, the 2 times tables is basically adding any number twice so 2 X 6 is the same as 6 + 6. 

Introduce problem solving scenarios that will require involve multiplication.

Add significance to certain number to create memory hooks. eg The twins are both 5 years old and their combined age is 5 X 2 =10.

Point out the obvious (but not necessarily to them) eg 2 X 9 is the same as 9 X 2.

As your child improves, drill them a few times a day and make it fun.

 Don’t forget that pat on the back. When they do well, give them a well deserved praise. If they don’t do well, encourage them. Don’t throw negativity their way through criticism.

How Make Your Own Multiplication tables Spinners

Materials needed


Print the template. Get the Free multiplication times table template 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 times table below.

Cut out the round templates.

Cut out the left and right sides of the middle part of the multiplication table spinners.

This is the part that reveals the numbers.

Using a wooden skewer, poke holes in the dots in the middle of the circles to ensure your spinners are in alignment. 

I had to redesign the template and added the dots as i discovered i couldn’t just accurately pinpoint where the centre is to poke the hole.

Note: The dot on the smallest circle is a lighter shade than the other two but is still visible on any paper.

Insert a paper fastener through the top, middle and bottom circles and close it up by spreading the pin apart. And you are done.



More Educational Crafts 

Alphabet Spinners

Alphabet Paper Boxes

Paper Dice


Alphabet Spinners

Alphabet spinners provide a fun and exciting way of helping kids master the alphabet.

Printable Alphabet Crafts

It also helps the kids recognise letter and words thereby making the connection to the everyday things, animal or objects on the alphabet wheel.

Benefits of using the alphabet spinner as a learning aid

  • It is fun and interesting way to teach as the kids see it more as a game.
  • Word recognition helps develop reading ability faster
  • The alphabet spinners can be used anywhere in the home, at school or even in the car on a long journey.

How to make Printable Alphabet Spinners

You will need:

Card stock paper

Paper fasteners 


Wooden skewer


Print out the free alphabet spinner template pdf file.  Download the template for free below.

Enter your email below and it is sent to your email address

You may use normal printing paper but it is highly recommended that you use card stock paper as they are more durable.

The top part of the spinner can be printed on coloured paper while the bottom part should be printed on white paper.


Using the scissors, cut out the circles. The top part printed on the coloured paper and the bottom part printed on the white paper.

If you doing this process with kids, make sure they are properly supervised.

Poke holes in the centre of the circles using a wooden skewer or a sharp pen.

Lay the top part on the bottom part and align properly.

Take a paper fastener and push through the hole.

Pull apart the paper fastener so that it holds both cut outs tightly but still loose enough to spin

This is a great printable abc activity idea for preschoolers that can be made to supplement the learning of your children at home.

More Educational Crafts you may like Multiplication tables Spinners Times tables bookmark

Paper alphabet blocks

Get the free printable A-J printable

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